Investigators by research area
The primary framework of the PENTACON collaboration is based on a series of interlocked cores organized around the main focus areas. Each core has a designated leader (in bold below) who is responsible for co-coordinating the efforts of core members and monitoring the interaction of that core with others in the PENTACON consortium. An alphabetical list of all of the investigators is also available.
- Translational Therapeutics Focus Area: Garret FitzGerald
Zebrafish Model Core [MacRae, Grosser, FitzGerald]
Mouse Model Core [Funk, FitzGerald, Schadt, Grosser, Hla, Wiltshire]
Human Biology Core [Grosser, Skarke, Bushman, Hogenesch, Farrar, FitzGerald] - Bioinformatics Focus Area: Olga Troyanskaya
Curation Core [Dolinski, FitzGerald]
Data Integration, Software, and Resource Sharing Core [Kohane, Troyanskaya, Dolinski, Altman]
Systems, Modeling and Computation Cores [Troyanskaya, Iyengar, Altman, Kohane, Schadt] -
Systems Pharmacology Focus Area: John Hogenesch
Systems Pharmacology Core [Hogenesch, Smith, Schadt, Iyengar, FitzGerald, Grosser, MacRae, Funk, Bushman, Skarke, Troyanskaya]
Molecular Profiling Core [Blair, Murphy, FitzGerald, Griffin, Grosser]
High Throughput Sequencing Core [Hogenesch, Bushman] -
Population Pharmacology Focus Area: John Hwa
Population Pharmacology Core [Hwa, Kohane]
Administrative Focus Area: Garret FitzGerald
Administrative Core [FitzGerald, Grosser, Farrar]
Logistics Core [Grosser, Dolinski, Skarke, Farrar, Hogenesch, Blair]